Interactive Visualization Lab

About us
We are a team of young professionals passionate about interactive technologies, R’n’D and game development. If you're looking for a reliable and experienced software development team in data visualization, interactive media apps, AR / VR / XR tech, digital twins, look no further - we're here to help!

With years of experience in the industry, we are well-equipped to handle any project with ease.

Screen The Architecture of Flows - 0
Screen The Architecture of Flows - 1
The Architecture of Flows2018
Screen TAU Tracker Demo - 0
Screen TAU Tracker Demo - 1
TAU Tracker Demo2019
Screen Game for TV show - 0
Screen Game for TV show - 1
Game for TV show2020
Screen Banksy VR Excibition Experience - 0
Screen Banksy VR Excibition Experience - 1
Banksy VR Exhibition Experience2021
Screen Oycumene - 0
Screen Oycumene - 1
Screen Life in Science - 0
Life in Science2022